Easy MP3 Translated

Easy MP3 Translated

"Easy MP3" simply allows to you to play music titles in the MP3-Format in a easy configurable sound player on your website.

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Green Audio Player

Green Audio Player

Green Audio Player is a basic audio player with customizable colors based on a script by Greg Hovanesyan: https://github.com/greghub/green-audio-player

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HTML5 audio with playlist

HTML5 audio with playlist

This extension adds a playlist to the standard HTML5 audio player.

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This is a set of two extensions (audio and video) to wrap the functionality of MediaElement.js: http://www.mediaelementjs.com/
It with supports MP4, WebM, and MP3 as well as HLS, Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, SoundCloud and others with a common HTML5 Med...

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Wave Surfer

Wave Surfer

Wave Surfer is a customizable waveform audio visualization built on top of Web Audio API and HTML5 Canvas. With wavesurfer.js you can create a cute HTML5 audio player.

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