The Accessibility Tools enhances your website accessibility by introducing the capability to adjust font sizes, brightness, contrast, invert and grayscale. It displays an Accessibility icon at the top-right corner of the page and when clicked it will open...
The Accessibility Widget has many options to improve the accessibility of your website: Multilingual Support, Dyslexia Font, Adjustable Font Size and Highlighting Text, Color Adjustments, Contrast, Saturation, Monochrome and more.
This extension can be used to add Microsoft’s Bing Maps to your website.
To use Bing Maps on a website, you will first need to get a Bing Maps API key from the Bing Maps portal:
Cookie Bar creates a small bar at the top or bottom of the website with a short message about cookies and accept, decline, and privacy policy buttons. This extension is based on a script by PrimeBox:
Cookie Bubble displays a GDPR Cookie Consent Message.
This extension is a wrapper for the Cookie Bubble plugin by João Pereira:
Cookie Consent displays a GDPR Cookie Consent Message.
This extension is a wrapper for the Cookie Consent JavaScript by Osano:
As of May 26, 2012 every Website available to European visitors and owned by European companies must follow the EU E-Privacy Directive passed in 2011.
This means sites must notify users that tracking technology is being used, the reason for that tech...
Dark mode has gained a lot of traction recently. For example, Apple has added dark mode to its iOS and MacOS operating systems. Windows and Google have done the same. With the Dark Mode extension, you can add Dark Mode / Night Mode to your website.
Render simple, animated pie charts. Based on a script by Robert Fleischmann.
Add fireworks effects to your website.
This extension is a wrapper for a Codepen By Judith Neumann:
Add animated fireworks to your website with twinkling stars in the background. This extension is a wrapper for a script by HTML5 Canvas Tutorials:
Keep an element always visible on the page relative to one of the four corners of the user's browser window.
This extension Builder enhances your website's accessibility by introducing the capability to adjust font sizes with ease. It integrates two buttons, 'Bigger' and 'Smaller,' onto your page, empowering users to control the font size according to their pref...
Google Maps Javascript API lets you embed Google Maps in your own web pages.
This extension can be used to add Google Maps to your website. To use Google Maps on a website, you will first need to get a Google Maps API key from the Google Cloud Console.
GreyBox Browser uses the same popup style as the Greybox Gallery except it displays a webpage instead of images you can have multple links displayed on your page and when clicked will open to webpage
This is a simple way to display a external page from your site by simply clicking on a image and it will open in a lightbox style fashion you can add what ever site you wish to be displayed.
GreyBox OneSite uses the same popup style as the Greybox Gallery except it displays a webpage instead of images.
Add an animated “Happy Birthday” message with balloons to your website. With customizable text, font and background.
This extension is a wrapper for a Codepen By Matei Copot:
Add an animated “Happy New Year” message with fireworks to your website. With customizable text, font and background.
This extension is a wrapper for a Codepen By Stranger in the Q:
highlight.js is a popular client-side syntax highlighter that supports a broad range of languages:
This extension makes it easy to add highlight.js to your website, it supports many themes and includes support for most common ...
Highslide pdf display allows you to insert a pdf file and onclick of a image or text will open in a lightbox fashion window.
This extension is based on a script by David J. Bradshaw:
iFrame Resizer automatically resizes the height and width of iFrames to fit their contained content.
This extension provides an easy way to create a simple Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. Basically this creates a list of items which the user can expand/collapse by clicking on the ‘question’. This can be useful for FAQs, a list of events with e...
Full Size Background Image jQuery Plugin with this extension you can use a image and it will be strechedto the full size of page.
The jQuery Masonry extension makes it possible to create (grid) layouts that adapt to the screen size dynamically (responsive layout). This is a wrapper for David DeSandro’s Masonry jQuery plug-in, but it has been optimized to work with QnEWB.
The jQuery Shadow extension is a simple way to add cool shadow effects to objects without using images.
This extension is a wrapper for the jQuery Shadow plugin by Syd Lawrence:
Top Scroller adds ability to scroll to an absolute position (from top of page) or specific element on the page instead.
Leaflet is the leading open-source JavaScript library for (mobile-friendly) interactive maps (
This extension is a simplified version of the OpenStreetMap extension.It only includes maps that do not require an API key and i...
Apply animated, visual effects to text. This extension is based on jquery-letterfx.js by TuxSudo:
This extension implements a rain animation inspired by the movie "The Matrix". Just for the fun of it...
Drag and Drop to your page and just change the URL shown in the field to reflect the location of your mobile content.
NiceScroll makes it possible to customize the scrollbars of your website with the look and feel of iPhone/iPad scrollbars. This extension is a wrapper for the NiceScroll jQuery plugin by InuYaksa:
One time popup is a jQuery script that when placed on your page will open a popup message window when a visitor visits your site but will only be shown once for each visit
With the OpenStreetMap extension you can easily integrate free maps powered by into your projects.
• Support for many map tile providers like OpenStreetMap, Thunderforest, Stamen, Esri
• 100 map variants!
Pace is an automatic page load progress bar. Pace will automatically monitor your ajax requests, event loop lag, document ready state, and elements on your page to decide the progress. Pace includes 14 animated themes to choose from!
This extensi...
Particles.js is a lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles.
It can be used, for example, to create fancy animated backgrounds for headers, layers etc.
A lightweight JavaScript utility for dynamically embedding PDFs in HTML documents.
Based on a script by Philip Hutchison:
This extension provides an easy way to add a simple hit counter to web pages. This solution uses PHP to update a counter value in a file on the server. For each page view, the value in the counter file will be increased.
The PHP File Listing extension generates a listing of the contents of a specified directory on your web site. Let’s say for example you have a directory on your web site with MP3 files then this extension will automatically scan this folder and display ...
Preloading screen with CSS animations. Based on a script by Petr Tichy.
Prism is a lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind. This extension has support for the following languages: applescript, c, coffeescript, cpp, cs, csharp, css, html, java, javascript, perl, php, python, ruby, sa...
A simple automatic quotes rotator with progress bar.
Add falling snow to your pages. The Snowfall extension is based on Andrew Hushbeck’s snowfall.js script:
Snowfall 3D can be used as background for web pages. It uses three.js to implement a 3D snow effect with a background texture. This extension is based on a Codepen by Liam Egan.
The Time Circles extension is based on a script by Wim Barelds:
TimeCircles provides a nice-looking way to either count down towards, or to count up from a certain time.
Translate-It is a simplre tool to allow you to insert in your site and allow the user to change the text content to there own language.
This extension is based on vivus.js, a script created by Maxwell Ito:
Vivus is a lightweight JavaScript that allows you to animate SVGs, giving them the appearance of being drawn.
There are a variety of dif...