On this forum you can find lots of information about Quick 'n Easy Web Builder, you can ask questions, post suggestions or get in contact with other users of the software.

Before you post anything, make sure you have read the forum rules:

This article explains how to create a new topic on this forum.

Quick 'n Easy Web Builder has thousands of options and millions of possible combinations, so to be able to help you we need to know exactly which combination of options you have used.
For further details about how to share a project file, please see this FAQ:

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Joined: Mon Feb 13, 2006 7:00 am
Location: Europe


Post by pablo »

Forum Rules - Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below.

1. Although the administrators and moderators of the Quick 'n Easy Web Builder Forum will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages.

2. All messages express the views of the author, and the owners of the Quick 'n Easy Web Builder Forum or Pablo Software Solutions will not be held responsible for the content of any message.

3. By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violate any laws.

4. The owners of Quick 'n Easy Web Builder Forum reserve the right to remove, delete, edit, move or close any thread or post for any reason without notice or explanation . Also we reserve the right to remove any avatars for any reason without notice or explanation.

5. Please so not open multiple posts about the same topic.

6. In general, we do not provide support for custom code or custom scripts. By that we mean code/script that was not created by the Quick 'n Easy Web Builder.
We assume that if a user wants to use JavaScript, PHP, ASP or any other scripting language, he/she has the necessary programming skills to manage his/her scripts.
The tools we provide are meant only for advanced users and for users who are knowledgeable enough to manage their scripts using those tools.

If you have limited experience or knowledge about scripting and troubleshooting custom code, we strongly recommend that you look into hiring a web developer to assist you.
We can only support code that was generated by the software.

7. If your website doesn't work as expected, first remove all code you have manually added before posting your request for help.

8. Make sure you include the URL of your website if you report a problem. This makes it much easier for us to find out what you did and give proper advise.
If you do not include an URL to your website then we may not be able to help you.

9. If you SPAM this forum or our members in any manner, your account will be banned.

10. Do not abuse other forum members.

11. Do not put advertisement or large images in your signature.

10. We take the "Be Polite" rule very seriously! We do not tolerate any rudeness. Any member who is intentionally unpleasant or disruptive may be banned without warning. Please realize we want to help, but people that are rude just make our task that much less pleasant.

11. If the main reason for your visit to the forum is to criticize our product or write negative comments about the software then please put your energy in something else. Of course suggestions or bug reports are welcome, but to slate our hard work is not very nice. See also 10.

12. Please do not report order or activation problems on the forum, sales are processed by so-called resellers which do not watch this forum.
If you did not receive an order confirmation, please check your spam/junk mail. If you are sure the confirmation email did not go to your spam/junk mail, then contact the reseller (esellerate) and send a cc to
If you do not receive an answer on your emails please read this: ... php?t=2148

Please Note: Just because somebody has purchased a license for Quick 'n Easy Web Builder, this does not give them the right to violate any of the above rules. We do not give second chances, once you are banned you are banned. We definitely don't want to go there! Let's all work together and be understanding of one another. PLEASE be nice, respectful and courteous and you will not have any problems.

Thank you for joining.
Pablo Software Solutions